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You Need a Spiritual Coach!
  • ​Feeling lost?
  • Not sure about your life?
  • Bothered by small things a lot?
  • ​​Struggling to see the good in life?
  • ​Constantly waiting for some "better" time in the future to arrive?
  • ​Exhausted all the time, even before the day begins?
  • ​​​Struggling to make sense of your life?
  • ​​​Struggling to achieve anything any thing of significance to you?
  • ​Are most of your relationships strained and unhealthy?
  • ​Do you have a pattern of being in abusive relationships, emotionally or otherwise abusive?
  • ​​​Feeling stuck in life?
  • ​Constantly annoyed and aggravated by people?
  • ​Do you have painful past memories that you cry or get emotional talking about, so you avoid them?
  • ​Feeling lost?
  • Not sure about your life?
  • Bothered by small things a lot?
  • ​Struggling to see the good in life?
  • Constantly waiting for some "better" time in the future to arrive?
  • Exhausted all the time, even before the day begins?
  • ​​Struggling to make sense of your life?
  • ​​Struggling to achieve anything any thing of significance to you?
  • ​​Are most of your relationships strained and unhealthy?
  • ​Do you have a pattern of being in abusive relationships, emotionally or otherwise abusive?
  • ​​Feeling stuck in life?
  • ​​Constantly annoyed and aggravated by people?
  • Do you have painful past memories that you cry or get emotional talking about, so you avoid them?​
There are tons of coaches to choose from and I am well aware of that. All I can do is tell
you about why I am able to assist you and why many others have chosen me as their
spiritual coach.
There are coaches with tons of credentials and certificates and plaques, and though I am happy for them....I don't see spirituality nor life as something you can qualify yourself on through credentials!
A colorful life filled with every horrific experience you can probably imagine, that I have had to personally overcome, as well as being a person who has had DIRECT experiences and encounters with the spirit realm is what I feel qualifies me!
I have experienced everything from being held a gunpoint, to practically losing my mind because of the spiritual experiences I had that I could not explain nor understand
at the time.
No matter where you are in your life, there's no way I don't know how to come back from that place because I have most likely had to walk that path before you!
Just to give you a small idea of what I mean by I have been there before I will tell you a bit about my experiences. I have been homeless before, literally living on the streets and sleeping outdoors on the ground or in a car.
I have had near death experiences as well as being attacked in an attempted rape. I have been held at gunpoint and came from a broken home with a father who turned to drugs and had a very abusive personality. 
I was a teenage mother and lived from pillar to post with friends most of my teenage years having very little interaction with my family during that time, I am not sure they even knew where I was. 
I never struggled with substance abuse but was raised around it and witnessed everything from heroine overdoses to crack paranoia and tweeking!
I was the support system for my aunt as she kicked her heroin addiction and at 17 years old I was attending her meetings and functions at the rehab facility and learned much about drug addiction while supporting her.
As far as health scares and having to deal with medical problems that are spiritually induced or otherwise, I was supposed to die of scarlet fever as a child.
I had a stroke at 20 years old that was unexplainable by medical staff. I had a brain infection as well that was never explained as to why it occurred. I was diagnosed with HS and have since cured that through spiritual means. 
As far as spiritual experiences I have had a strong connection to the spirit realm since childhood. I could see spirits and just "know" things. 
My aunt actually used to take me to the bars to have me to speak things I knew to random people who wanted to be entertained by me and they would pay her a dollar.
I taught myself to read and began reading the bible to my family members with a tv stand as a podium. Although I used to quote bible verses, I had ever read before and only learned later they were bible verses.
I have experienced being attacked physically by spirits and being, getting choked, held down and even pushed against the wall. I do soul journeys and travel the realms as well. 
So if there is anything that qualifies you to help others through the cloudy days of life, it's being battle tested and having already weathered the storm yourself!
No one who has not encountered and gained first hand experience in the spirit realms is truly qualified to guide anyone spiritually, if we ARE going to consider qualifications, I think that is the ULTIMATE qualification!
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